Our organic Cosmic Crisp will be arriving to a market near you and our farmers fruit stand soon. A special exclusive delicious breed of apple only available from the growers of Washington.
This exciting new apple variety from Washington State University’s apple breeding program, produces a large apple that has a crisp flavor, exceptional sweetness and flesh that doesn’t brown when cut.
Cosmic Crisp® is a managed variety only licensed for Washington State growers.
Cosmic Crisp apples make a perfect snack, bursting with juice in every bite, and they are also a delicious addition to salads, pies, sauces, and baked goods.
The dream apple with perfect flavor
Cosmic Crisp is the dream apple with the perfect flavor, texture, natural resistance to browning, and a year long shelf life. Cosmic Crisp® apples are large, juicy, and red. It's the apple with ample sweetness that goes beyond expectations for snacking, baking, and entertaining.